Общероссийская общественная организация инвалидов-больных рассеянным склерозом

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Missus Revised
PROVISION About Plenipotentiary Public Experts Отправить на e-mail

I. General provisions

1. The plenipotentiary public expert is an official, who shall represent the interests of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis within the respective Constituent of the RF.

2. The plenipotentiary public expert shall be appointed to, or released from, the office by the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

The plenipotentiary public expert shall be immediately subordinated by the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis and accountable to him/her.

The plenipotentiary public expert shall be appointed to the office for a tenure determined by the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis but not exceeding the tenure of the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

3. The plenipotentiary public expert in his/her work shall be governed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, orders and instructions of the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

  II. Main objectives of the plenipotentiary public expert

4. The main objectives of the plenipotentiary public expert shall be:

in the respective Constituent of the RF, to organize the work of promoting state authorities’ implementation of the main directions of activities in the state home policy with regard to the group of people with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

to organize control over execution, in the RF Constituent, of decisions of the federal bodies of state authorities regarding improvement of pharmacological support for persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

to submit to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis, regular reports on pharmacological support for persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis, as well as on social and political and economic state of multiple sclerosis issues in the RF Constituent; to propose relevant initiatives to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

III. Functions of the plenipotentiary public expert

5. For the purpose of achieving the objectives assigned to him/her, the plenipotentiary public expert shall perform the functions as follows:

to ensure the coordination of the activities of regional bodies of the executive authorities in the respective Constituent of the RF and non-for-profit organizations that deal with the issues of persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

to ensure control over implementing the provisions of the Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation about people’s health protection passed on 22 July 1993 5487-1 (in particular, Article 62 in the Fundamentals), of the Federal Law “About Pharmaceuticals” passed on 22 June 1998 #86-FZ, on the issues of improving the pharmacological support for persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis within the territory of the Constituent of the RF;

to carry out analysis of the efficacy of the activities of regional bodies of the executive authorities in the respective Constituent of the RF and non-for-profit organizations that deal with the issues of persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis; to submit relevant initiatives to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

 to participate in developing the programme for social and economic territorial development within the territory of the Constituent of the RF in cooperation with executive authority bodies and non-for-profit organizations that deal with the issues of persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis within the frames of the problem of people who have developed multiple sclerosis;

to organize control over execution of maintaining control and surveillance of activities on rendering the state social assistance to people in the form of providing social services in accordance with the Federal Law “About the state social assistance” passed on 17 July 1999 #178-FZ (edited in the Federal Law passed on 22 August 2004 #122-FZ), of other federal laws, statutory orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, regulations and instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation, over implementation of the federal programmes in the Constituent of the RF regarding persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

to take part in the work of Clinical Expert Committees (CECs) with regard to assigning high-priced drugs to people with multiple sclerosis on the basis of the demand to normalize and optimize the area of drugs circulation, as well as of the current demand for implementing the state control and surveillance of activities on rendering the state social assistance to people in the form of providing social services in accordance with the Federal Law “About the state social assistance” passed on 17 July 1999 #178-FZ (edited in the Federal Law passed on 22 August 2004 #122-FZ);

to submit to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis, initiatives on the activities of bodies of the executive authorities in the Constituents of the Russian Federation, should these activities be inconsistent with federal laws, international liabilities of the Russian Federation or violate the rights and liberties of man and citizen with regard to people with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

to cooperate with the representative of the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in the Constituent of the RF when organizing inspections, in the Constituent of the RF, for carrying out federal laws, statutory orders and instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, regulations and instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation;

 to cooperate with the representative of the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in the Constituent of the RF with regard to perfecting the provision for healthcare establishments and persons with quality pharmaceuticals that fall into the specific directions, which interest the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis and are not out of the frames of their powers in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation.

IV. Rights of the plenipotentiary public expert

6. The plenipotentiary public expert shall have the right to:

as regulated, request and receive necessary materials from the representative of the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development in the region, from regional bodies of the executive authorities, regional ministries of healthcare and social development, regional branches of the foundations for compulsory medical arrangement, local authorities of pharmacy, plenipotentiary pharmaceutical companies, drug-stores, drug storehouses, as well as all therapeutic, rehabilitation, and sanatorium and resort establishments reporting to the Constituents of the RF, local self-government bodies, organizations within the territory of the respective Constituent of the RF, and from officers, in particular to request and receive information about the nomenclature of pharmaceuticals included in the “List of pharmaceuticals to deliver on the prescription of a physician/ physician’s assistant when rendering additional medical assistance for free to particular groups of people entitled to receive the state social assistance” (approved by the order of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Russia passed on 2 December 2004 #296 “About approving the list of pharmaceuticals”), as well as the evidence for all deliveries of the specific group of pharmaceuticals to the regions of the Russian Federation (within the Constituent of the Russian Federation), which interest the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

within his/her competence, put forward initiatives to inspect the therapeutic establishments rendering medical assistance to persons within the frames of the additional pharmacological support to ensure the due implementation of federal programmes and realization of the federal budget funds in the Constituent of the RF;

refer, to the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis as well as bodies of the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development for consideration, complaints and appeals of persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis;

within the territory of the Constituent of the RF, carry out monitoring of pharmacological support for persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis, and provide information on this issue for consideration to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis and to the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development;

establish advisory and consultative bodies.

7. The plenipotentiary public expert, in discharge of his/her functions, shall have the right for unimpeded access to any organizations being within the territory of the relative Constituent of the RF, whose activities are related to the provision of medical services and pharmacological support for persons with the diseases attributed to the direction of activities of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

V. Organization and support of activities of the plenipotentiary public expert

8. The activities of the plenipotentiary public expert shall be coordinated by the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

9. Direct support for the activities of the plenipotentiary public expert shall be provided by the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

 10. The plenipotentiary public expert shall: submit a work plan to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis, ensure execution of the duties assigned to him/her; sign service documentation within his/her competence; monthly submit reports about his/her work done to the Director General of the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis.

11. Informational, documentation, legal and logistical support for the activities of the plenipotentiary public expert shall be provided by the All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis and the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development

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